Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Everything But The Kitchen Sink.

As a  web designer, you strive to impress a client or make a website that POPS, you throw in a hundred different design elements, a complex color pallet and everything else but the kitchen sink. More often than not, this results in a website that looks crowded or distracts from the actual content of the page. Something I've recently become a big fan of is the "Minimalist" approach. Minimalism is exactly what it sounds like, a very light website with very few bells and whistles with a clean look. I'm such a big fan; I thought I would share with you 9 beautiful minimal websites I've found crawling the web.

 #1        Friends Of The Web

                 #2             Paravel Inc.                           

                            #3             Phillip House

                            #4          Harlo Interactive

                            #5  Derwent & Tamar Chambers

                           #6               D & AD

                            #7               IXI Store

                            #8              DITTO

                           #9          Web Is Love

1 comment:

  1. These sites are well designed and very effective. I agree with the less is more principle when creating websites. It was interesting to see work created by developers in other countries.
